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Decorative Poles

Decorative Poles

Product Details:

  • Product Type Decorative Poles
  • Material Mild Steel
  • Application Highway
  • Shape Round
  • Surface Treatment Polished
  • Color Silver
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Decorative Poles Price And Quantity

  • 1 Piece

Decorative Poles Product Specifications

  • Round
  • Silver
  • Decorative Poles
  • Highway
  • Polished
  • Mild Steel

Decorative Poles Trade Information

  • 200 Piece Per Day
  • 1 Week

Product Description

Since our establishment, we J.K. Poles & Pipes Co are reckoned as an eminent organization engaged in providing high grade range of Decorative Poles. These electrical poles offered by us are appreciated for high strength, easy installation, sturdy construction, corrosion resistance, attractive look and durability. Designed with advance techniques and sophisticated machinery, these poles are widely used in stadiums, resorts, lawns, commercial complexes, shopping plazas, parking areas, etc. The Decorative Poles provided by us are manufactured using finest grade raw materials and can also be customized as per the needs of clients.


High Mast Features

  • Mast Structure: Our high mast is continuously tapered, polygonal cross section of at least 20 sides, presenting a good & pleasing appearance which is based on proven in-tension design confirming to the Technical report no. 7 - 1996 of the Institution of Lighting Engineers. UK. To give an assured performance and reliable service. The structure is suitable for loading as per IS 875(Part 3) 1987.
  • Construction: High mast is fabricated from steel plates confirming to BS-EN 10025, cut and folded to from a polygonal section, Masts are in two sections for 16 & 20 Mtr. and in three sections for 25 & 30 Mtr. heights having only longitudinal weld confirming to BS 5135/AWS. The mast is provided with a fully penetrated flange which is free from any laminations or incursions. The welded connection of the base flange is fully developed to the strength of the entire section. The base flange is provided with supplementary gussets between bolt holes to ensure elimination of helical stress concentration. for environmental protection of the mast the entire fabricated mast is Hot Dip Galvanized (Single Dip) internally externally, having uniform coating thickness of 85 / 65 microns for bottom / top sections respectively.
  • Door Opening: An adequate door opening is provided at the base of the mast. The opening is such that it permits clean access to equipments like winch, cable, wire rope, plug & socket etc. And also facilities easy removal of the winch for servicing. The door opening is complete with a close fitting vandal resistant allen key locking with provision for external lock, The door opening is carefully designed and reinforced with adequate steel section so that the mast section at the base is unaffected, and undue bucking of the cut portion is prevented under heavy wind condition.
  • Dynamic Loading: Our mast structure is designed to sustain an assumed maximum reaction arising from wind speed as per IS 875 (Part 3) 1987 (three seconds) which is measured at a height of 10 mtrs above ground level. Our standards masts are suitable for a wind speed of 180 Kms/hr (50mtr / sec). We can also offer mast suitable for a wind speed of 225 Kms / hr (62.5mtr / sec)



  • The High mast is provided with accessories as per customers requirements. Generally these include a raising and lowering system (R & L), trailing cable, power tool, feeder pillar for automatic switching operation of luminaries, lighting finial and aviation obstruction warning light.
  • The power tool integral / external type suitable for handling the total head load. It has a mechanical torque limiter to ensure safety and also a manual handle is provided.
  • The R & L system will compromise of a double drum winch, SS wire ropes, head frame and lantern carriage. The winch is self lubricating and self sustaining type. It does not require any brake or clutch and a lifting capacity of SWL 750Kgs. It has gravity operated pawls to ensure safety.
  • The wire ropes are of stainless steel grade AIAI316 with minimum 6mm diameter & 7/19 construction its central core is also SS and have a minimum breaking strength of 2350 Kgs.

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  • 50
  • 100
  • 200
  • 250
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  • 1000+
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